City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011 - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    Do I Have a Perfect Life?Nasia Lawton

    Once there was a girl named Grace. Grace wasnt a very happyperson

    because her dad passed away a ew months ago. Now its only her,her mother, andher younger sister, Sam. Sam doesnt show heremotions.

    One day Grace went to school, and some kids were teasing her. Soshe

    went home and went straight on in her walk-in closet. Grace doesnot like anyone

    talking to her when she is angry. Sam walked in her room lookingor her. Sam told

    her mother that she couldnt nd Grace.

    Grace said, Tey dont know where I hide out now.

    Grace had lots o riends, but they were never around when needed.Grace

    thought to herselis it just because o the things.

    My mom is right, You have no true riends, only amily, she saidto me.

    ime to eat!!!! Grace had a mini-ridge and microwave in hercloset. So she got to

    eat. But when she was done, she went to the bathroom, and Samound her.

    Grace said, I have had it. Im leaving. So Grace packed up allher things

    and let. She ound a new hiding spot. Tat was a magic tree house.It is invisible;

    its in her back yard, only Sam knows where she lives.

    Four years later she came back home at the age o teen.Everything was

    dierent. Mom was nice. Te house was dierent. Te school was too.Not one

    person was teasing her. She thought to hersel, why then shepasted out.o be continued. P.S. Do I have a Perect Lie?

    Hi my name is Nasia Lawton. I am eleven-

    years-old. I love to write stories; I have

    been writing stories since the third grade.

    I related to my character Grace. I live with

    my sister and mom. My dad passed away a

    couple o months ago, and I just wanted toknow, Do I Have aPerect Lie?

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Report Cards TreatLamont Jones

    Once there was a boy named Shawn. Shawn worked to go to Six

    Flags. His mother said i he got a good report card, he could go.Te next

    day when Shawn walked to his classroom he read what was on thechalk-

    board. Reports cards will be given at the end o the week. Whenclass

    started, Shawn grabbed his warm up and did it.

    He got all o the questions right. Ater the warm up, he did hismath

    test. Shawn got all o the questions on the math test right. Atthe end o the

    day, Shawns teacher gave him a certicate that said:congratulations, you goteverything you did right. When Shawn wenthome, he did his homework,

    studied, played his game, and then went to sleep.

    Te next day Shawn did the same thing he did yesterdaygotevery-

    thing right, did his homework, studied, played his game, andwent to sleep.

    Shawn did this same routine or the rest o the week. When Shawngot his

    report card, he had all As. Shawn got to go to Six Flags, and hehad un.

    Te End.

    I am a ith grader at Govans Elementary, and I

    love to draw. I also like to read.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Peace Comes to MeDeairra Brandon

    Peace Peace come to me. I will welcome you. Me sitin

    in the sand on a peaceul day just relaxing then all o a suddena

    big splish splash landed on me. I dried by sitting in thesand.

    I saw my dog swimming, until he snuck you on me and

    snatched my ood as I was reading my book. (I was really into

    the book). So I decided to leave him alone so I wont mess up

    my peaceul day on the beach.

    I got in the car to drive home. As soon do we got home,I got inthe bath to get all o the sand o o me, so that me and

    one o my loved ones could go out to eat.

    When we got to the restaurant, it was so peaceul, but

    crowded but at least we got a seat. We ate, went back homeand

    had a wonderul, peaceul night.

    Hi my name is Deaierra Brandon. I am ten-

    years-old. I love to read and write stories. I have

    been writing stories since I was in the third

    grade. My avorite color is green, and my avorite

    ood is ried chicken. I love my beautiul lie,

    writ ing stories, reading , dancing, and I love my

    riends, amily, and Princeton. I am very tal-

    ented. My talents are dancing, singing, writing,

    reading, and teaching new things.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Kids on the BlockK. Taylor and E. Davis

    One time in Baltimore, MD, there was a boy named Kyurn. Kyurnwas going to go

    to the store with a ew riends, Jubre, Elisha, and Xavier.So whenthey got to the store three boys said, Can yall give us somemoney?

    So Kyurn said, We dont have enough money, its just enough or usto spend. So

    the three boys got mad and started to trash-talk and muggedus.

    So Jubre said, Boy I know you cant be talking, you stink so bad,even i you put

    meat on you, the dogs wouldnt even come. So the boy pushedJubre, and the others pushed

    Kyurn and Xavier. So Kyurn, Elisha, and Xavier pushed all o themdown to the ground.

    Ten Elisha stepped up and said, I dont know who think you pushinand talkin to,

    but you bets to role out me and my riends ace, beore you kindlytake this butt woppin.

    Dang, you just got packed on, said Xavier.

    Come on, lets just leave them alone, said one o the boys. But hedidnt leave.

    Instead, he said to Elisha, I dont care i you packed on me, youstill at anyway.

    Elisha, calm down, said Jubre, Kyurn, and Xavier. But Elishadidnt.

    Instead, he said, You know what? No, Im bout to beat yo behind.So Elisha

    jumped on the boy, took his money, and bought some snacks, andwent home.

    Te End. Oh and P.S. that really didnt happen.

    Hi my name is Kyurn. Im originally rom Anne

    Arundel county, and I was born in 2001. I came

    to Baltimore in 2006, the same year I came to

    attend Govans in September. Im playul, and I

    like sports such as ootball and baseball.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Day and Night ChargerDanaya Thomas

    Tere once was an old lady, who was the meanest lady you

    could ever meet. She was so mean that everything that wasnthers

    she would bet it on re, but that only happened in the day; atnight

    it was a whole dierent story. When its nighttime, shes thesweetest

    person in the world.

    But one day that all changed because her boyriend died,

    and she was happy about that, and she stayed nice orever sonice

    that she knocks on my door every teen minutes, and all I wantisto make her get a boyriend. So once she knocks on my door, Iwill

    give her a makeover, and then we will go and nd her a boyriendso

    her moods can change again so she can leave me alone.

    Knock knock knock that must be her.

    he authors name is Danaya homas,

    and she was born on March 5, 2002.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Shy Guy Whos Filling Himself with PieJustice Georgie

    When Im shy, I look at a lonely guy lled with pride, but

    he doesnt know how to show it. He is smart and handsome, but

    every time he sees a girl, he crumbles.

    Tirty years has passed, and now hes a bum living next to

    the love o his lie. She always makes blueberry pie, but hecon-

    stantly keeps stealing them. Now she knows somebody isstealing

    them. Okay this is my last batch o blueberry pie; i you eat it,Im

    going to cry. And when she cries, nobody wins.Ten when the shyguy picks up the pie, he takes one bite

    o it and boom it was pie raining everywhere or the wholeneigh-

    borhood. Tats exactly why I would never be a shy guy.

    Im talented, I have a great enthusiasm

    with reading, and Im a great author,

    and I think the book that I wrote would

    be a good book or kids.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    Where is Lolos Father?Autumn Aaron

    Tere was a girl named Lolo. She came outside to play withher

    riends. Lolos mother came outside to drag her with her long hairinto

    the house. She was crying and saying to hersel, where is my dad?Te

    reason she treats her like this is because as a child, she neverhad riends.

    Her mother killed a rat she was so mad. She never wanted to seethe rat

    again so she told Lolo to eat it.

    Ten Lolo asked, where is my ather? She said she didnt know,

    but she will make dinner; dont eat the rat. She knew that hermotherwas trying to poison her so she had no choice but to jump outthe

    window. Lucky her she just landed on a bouncy ball. She randowntown

    to get help and on the way, she ran into a police. She told thepolice

    everything and to prove it, she told her and showed her themark.

    Te police locked the mother up. She has twenty-ve years.

    Now Lolo is the in the system. Her oster care parent is a niceman. Five

    years later, the oster care parent gets a letter in the mail andturns out

    he is Lolos ather. Te End.

    I am the author o this story. My name

    is Autumn Aaron. I like books, and I

    am a student at Govans Elementary.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Fear and the FearlessElisha Davis

    Once, there was a boy named Ezecial, who had ve riends named:imothy, Jacob, Alexandria,

    Ebony, and his girlriend, Harmony. Every day, they went to thepark. One day, when Ezecial got home,

    his ty-ve year old grandmother said, Dont go out today. Im goingon a date, like usual, but I wont

    be home until tomorrow.

    He said, But while you are gone, I could just be at the parkuntil 7:45 instead o 9:45.

    She said, Fine, but not a minute later.

    He said, Fine.

    She said, Make sure you lock the door because earlier on thenews, they said it was a magic

    monster around here that looks like a real person.

    He said, I always lock the door, and she said, but still. Makesure. Ezecials grandma let.

    Ezecial called his riends and told them what his grandma said.So the six riends let and headed to the

    park, but something happened beore they let. Ezecial orgot tolock the door.

    Seven-thirty came around, and him and his riends came back tothe house. Tey sat in the living room

    and watched a scary movie. Ezecial knew to not watch scarymovies at night because something always

    happens to him. Ezecial also knew to be in the house at 7:45because his grandmother calls him.

    At 7:45, they were teen minutes into the movie called, When thePhone Rings. But Ezecials

    grandmother called him, and he hesitated to answer, but he did.He talked to his grandma or awhile,

    and then hung up. Tey heard a really loud noise coming romupstairs. Te six riends crept upstairs,and they were scared.Ezecial wasnt scared o anything. So he went into his grandmothersroom and

    screamed. Te ve riends raced up the stairs and

    Elisha Davis is a ith grade student at

    Govans Elementary School. His avorite

    subject is science, and his avorite thing

    to do away rom school is to skate andeat. Give it up or ELISHADAVIS!

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Day I Met my New Skate Boarding FriendKerel Davidson

    One day I met a skateboarder. Hes twelve and

    makes new skate parks. One day he makes a crazy skate

    park. It has railings, ramps, and pipes.

    His name is Antonio. We met on Wednesday; we

    skateboard with each other and show each other tricks

    then we go to eat pizza.

    Next we go to the skate park. We met other

    skateboarders. We had un then the next day we ap-peared in the Xgames. ogether we showed ony Hawk

    our tricks. He gave us a perect ten.

    We got one million dollars and a huge trophy.

    Also we got a metal that says, second best skateboarders

    ever, and we took a picture o ony Hawk.

    I like to play video games and play with

    my brother. I also help with laundry and

    like playing outside with my riends.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    Disney WorldJobriea Johnson

    Im going to Disney World. I eel happy when I go there. I eellike I

    deserve to go there or getting good grades, and when I go there,I rst nd

    out what hotel or house we are going to stay in. Ten we go takepictures o

    the characters and with them. Ten we either go to the Water Parkrst or the

    Amusem*nt Park rst. Sometimes we get on rides with thecharacters.

    I its someones birthday, they will give you special treatmentlike getting

    a makeover or sometimes letting you stay another day or ree. Wewould go

    out to eat at one o the character places. Next we would go homeand go take

    showers i we went to the Water Park. Ten the whole amily goes tothis little

    Mickey Mouse show, and he does magic, and he does other thingswith the

    characters. At the end, all the characters would come out and doa dance.

    At the Cinderella Castle, they would have a parade and doreworks

    at 10:00 every night, and then the marching band comes out. Teni its your

    birthday, they will take you to your room and treat you withsomething nice.

    And nally, the ood is the best. You can have anything you want,and its Big.

    Te rides never close. Disney World is so much un.

    I am ten-years-old. I am a good writer.

    I have stories beore.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011


    Lucy is teen-years-old. She was on spring break, and she

    was bored. Lucys mom told her to read a book so Lucy started

    to read a book. Te book was boring. So she threw the book on

    the oor. Lucys dad was reading the newspaper. Lucy told her

    dad she was bored. He said, Go to the store and buy somemilk.

    So she went to the store and came back. Lucys grand-

    mother is outside on a chair. Lucy told her grandmother, whotold

    her to wash the amily car. She did. She was bored. Lucysamilywent to Coldstone and let Lucy there or the rest o springbreak.

    My name is Ebony, and my avorite color is

    blue and green, and I like going to Six Flags.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Best Day of My LifeJubre

    One day I was walking in the alley, and someone walked up to meand said,

    You want some pencil? Teyre only 3.99.

    I was like, Who are you?

    Te girl said, My name is Rasberry.

    I was like, Oh my God, and I ainted. When I woke up, I saw Sato,Miya,

    Jane, Rasberry, and Zora all staring at me.

    Tey was like, Who is she? And I said, My name is Jubre, and gotup and

    said, I love you guys. Do yall want to go to Ruby uesdays? Itson me.Everyone said, Yea, so we let. When we got there, it was noline so we just

    went in. I ordered some salad and hot wings. Rasberry got somechicken and a big bowl

    o curly ries. Sato got some chicken nuggets and took some oRasberrys ries. Miya

    got some chicken soup. Jane got some crab meat lasagna, and Zoragot the same as me.

    Ater we ate, Miya said, Jubre, do you want to come to my sleepover?

    I said, Sure, why not? We had a lot o un. Te next morning I hadto leave

    and everyone was upset so we took pictures, and I let. I neverseen them since, but I

    know or sure that was the best day o my lie.

    My name is Jubre. I love to read, and Im very

    un and playul. he way I got the names o

    the story called money hungry my inspiration.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Kid Who Invented the Math TouchXavier Shipp

    It was a dark and stormy night, and this boy named

    Jason was at his house on the computer googleing vampires

    because all his riends said theyre not real. But Jasonignored.

    Well he tried. Everybody just kept and kept on teasing him.

    So he invented the Math ouch to become popular.

    Hed touch Mr. Wikerson, the sixth grade math teacher and

    touch someone else. Yeah it was stupid, but everybody played

    even Mrs. Wikerson. But when Mr. Wikerson ound out, itwasnt apretty picture. So when Mrs. Wikerson ound out, she

    slapped Mr. Wikerson up side the head and said

    o Be Continued

    he authors name is Xavier Shipp. He goes to

    school at Govans Elementary school. He was

    born in New Jersey in 2001, February 9th. He

    will continue this story next time.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    A Big Waste of TimeKayla Blackwell

    Karry wants to go to this Christmas parade where her riend Carlyis working as an

    el. Whats in her way is this old man is driving his Cadillacsuper slow, and he was making

    Karry drive her Hyundai slow too, and she was going to belate.

    Tere was a police behind Karry. Ten she noticed an open spacenext to the old

    man. Karry turned to the lane and drove as ast as she could. Tenshe got another problem.

    Te police was chasing her because she was speeding. Te policetold Karry to pull over.

    Karry pulled over, and the police walked up to her and said,

    Can I see your drivers license, maam?

    Karry said, I dont have one. I got this car rom my mom. But Imreally in a hurry.

    My riend is in this parade and

    I dont care where youre going, miss. You cant be driving withouta license. So the

    policeman gave Karry a ticket that said, come to the communityservice at 9:00.

    Te police said, Im sorry, maam, but your Hyundai has to be towedaway.

    So I have to run the rest o the way?

    I believe so, said the policeman. But when Karry got there, itwas too late.

    Karry called Carly and said, Im sorry. I didnt make it to yourparade. Tis old man

    was driving so slow then a police gave me a ticket or not havinga license, and I have to

    come to the community service at 9:00.Carly said, Its okay. In aew hours, another parade is coming.

    Karry said, Tis was just a waste o my time.

    My name is Kayla Blackwell. I am a

    ith grader at Govans Elementaryschool. I am good atreadingthats

    when I wrote my own book.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Sweet ToothKaiyana

    Keena wants to sneak some chocolate cake, but her mom

    Brenan is sleeping. Her mom has ears like nobodys business, andher

    mom is sleeping in the living room. And the kitchen is ve stepsaway.

    Will Keena get her cake? Heres what happened.

    Shes by the kitchen, and her little brother Keen drops the

    radio. Mom wakes up. Ten Keena hides behind the pu (did Imention

    they live in a machine, anyway back to the machine I meanstory).

    Ten Mom says, Keen, what are you doing?Ten the room wentsilent.

    Uh nothing.

    Dont make me come up there!

    Will Keena get her chocolate cake? o be continued.

    Kaiyana is a ith grade girl at Govans

    Elementary school. She likes to read and sing.

    When Kaiyana grows up, she is going to be an

    author. When Kaiyanas at home, shes reading

    or revising. he inspiration Kaiyana got or

    the Sweet ooth is her sweet tooth.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    Magnifcent GroundAlaim Kibet

    My riends and I were playing soccer. I suddenly saw aplayground.

    I went inside to see the playground. I relaxed and didnt eellike learning.

    Te next day I happened to see my riend passing by my house.I

    called and told them what I saw so I showed them to theplayground, and

    then when we reached, I saw a or sale post in the ront. I didntknow who

    owned the playground so I called the number, and it was thegovernment.

    Te government said they were selling it or ty dollars so Ibor-

    rowed twenty-ve dollars rom both my ather and mother and boughttheland. I wrecked the playground and I started building a wallsurrounding

    it, and saved money or a pool set on business.

    People swimmed or twenty-ve dollars, and the money I got I

    gave it to charity and then I could give money to my school togive us

    more extracurricular activities and hal or my personal thingsand loved

    the things I have done.

    I am a Kenyan boy.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Basem*ntMisha Smith

    Kamiyah, said Aunt Jeanie, What are you doing down there! sheasked.

    Playing, said Kamiyah, when she was really writing. Kamiyah isten. She is black with

    brown eyes and brown hair. Kamiyah is a quiet girl, but herpersonality is spunky. She wears the

    usual, solid blue jeans, and a pink, blue, or purple shirt.Kamiyah wants to be an author. Her

    mom and dad are constantly working so they have no time tosupport her in her writing. Kami-

    yah and her amily live in Park Heights.

    Her mom is a nurse and artist. Her dad does construction. Teycant spend time with

    me so Aunt Jeanie watches me. Aunt Jeanie is a regular person.She cooked, cleaned, and pued

    pillows. oday is Sunday. Aunt Jeanie is wearing a green outtwith a big, big green hat.

    Dinners ready, calls Aunt Jeanie. My avorite place to let myanger out is the

    basem*nt. When I was three, my dad said the basem*nt could beall mine, but I had to let Mom

    and Aunt Jeanie do the laundry. Te basem*nt has a purple rug,pictures hanging on the wall,

    some o my clothes and lots, lots, and lots o books, andnotepads.

    Dinners ready. Your ood is getting cold, Aunt Jeanie yelled.

    Im coming. For dinner, we had ried chicken, macaroni and cheese,string beans,

    mashed potatoes, turkey, ham, collard greens, corn, gravy,stufng, and or dessert, apple, pump-

    kin, and sweet potato pie, peach cobbler, and or a surprise, abig chocolate udge cake. Aunt

    Jeanie had a book club. Tey were called the Harlem girls becausethey all used to live in Harlem.

    Tey walk in, and someone else behind them its

    o hear more, please see my next book, o My Surprise

    I live in Maryland. I am the oldest

    o three. I love reading, singing, and

    dances. My avorite colors are purple

    and green. I have a great sense o

    humor and lots o riends. My avorite

    sports are swimming and tennis.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The HuntedRaven Ware

    I moved in a haunted house. Heres what happened. I heard a

    noise downstairs. So I got out o my bed and went downstairs sosee what

    it was. As I came down the stairs, I saw a dish y past my ace.Ten an-

    other dish came; it was heading or my ace. I bent down as ast asI can

    and went upstairs to tell my riend Bea what happened.

    So I got on my computer and wrote.

    Dear Bea, theres a ghost in my house throwing dishes. Ten Iwas

    just about to press send when I heard my mom scream. So I saidshell beokay. Ten I pressed send. Bea said, theres no such thing asa ghost.

    I went to check on my mom when I pressed send. Te ghost

    must have texted her back. So I tried to leave, but it waslocked. I know

    you say it locks rom the inside, but I tried unlocking, but itdidnt work.

    So I called out my moms window, help. Ten the door unlocked. Iran

    outside and never went back or passed that house. I almost orgotI never

    saw my mom or brother since then. I wonder where they are.

    Raven is a ith grader in Govans

    Elementary. My avorite color is pink.

    I love mysteries, scary books, and love

    stories. My avorite book is wich twins.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    Queen of HeartsKenyan Stevenson

    A heart smell like love.

    It is a shape with lots o love.

    It taste like chocolate.

    It look like two people on the boat.

    It eel like dough.

    All this is because o a Big Red Heart.

    Hi my name is Kenyan. I am eleven-years-

    old. I love to write stories about things I

    like, and things I do, and things that I am

    interested in, and I am loving my beautiul

    lie with my mommy and my brothers and

    sisters, prodigy, daddy, and riends.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    Mean GirlsDestini Thrweatt

    Once there was a girl named Lizy. She was the diva dash atschool with her two riends

    Kate and Christy. Tey ruled Way Bay High. Te other studentscalled them the populars.Tey are always mean to people, but one daybeore the big dance, her parents said she couldnt go

    because she knew her teachers name was Ms. Pants. Her teachercalled and said that a girl told on

    her about Ms. Pants lacy ace makes a great paste and said it hadbeen her third strike.

    Mom, Dad, I only said that because she wouldnt let me do mynails in class, and she

    wears her pants up to her neck.

    Tat was rude to say, her mom said. So I snuck out and went tothe dance and got wet

    gouck-a-mollie poured on me. Tat was pay back and probablykarma.Te next day my riend Jacob said, Do you want to go the promwith me on Saturday?

    I said, Sure, but Im grounded because o the teacher. So I walkedaway, and a girl said

    make way two times or the populars, and then they all started toclap. I was so rude to people this

    is going on my record. I smash peoples books on the oor, and Ipoured coee on people. It was

    like a cat learning how to y or that could y.

    Being popular is like being the rst lady, and so Kate saidsomeone just asked me to prom,

    and I said yes. So we all ater school go shopping or a dress.Christy, Josh asked you. Christy saidyes. We all jumped up and downlike we were little girls. Te beautiul smell o the breeze owing

    through our hair. Kate had said. It was Friday. Prom wastomorrow.

    o be continued!

    he author would love to be a che.

    My avorite color is purple.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Burglar and the GhostJaylonn Judd

    One time there was a girl named Sarah. She is thirteen yearsold, and

    she has a dog named Hickory. Hickory is a greyhound and isgrayish black

    and is tall. One day Sarah and Hickory was playing tug-a-war inthe backyard.

    While they were playing a burglar crept into her house and tookeverything he

    saw. Sarahs mother and ather woke up to see what was the noise.When they

    came downstairs, they saw the burglar. Te burglar saw them andshot them.

    Sarah heard the shots and ran in the house. When she went intothe house, she

    saw the burglar. Te burglar tied Sarah up near the table.Hickory came in anduntied Sarah, then attacked the burglar. Teburglar shot Hickory. Sarah cried.

    Shut up, said the burglar. While he was stealing more stu,some-

    thing strange happened. Something started to attack the burglar.It clawed

    him, scratched him, and bit him. While the burglar was gettingattacked, Sarah

    called the cops. When she was nished, Sarah kicked the burglarin the zone.

    When the cops came, they locked him up. When they let, Sarahcried. Ten

    she moved away to Las Vegas and got another greyhound namedHickory.

    Jaylonn Judd is a ith grade student at

    Govans Elementary school. His hobbies

    are drawing, reading, and having un.

    He has one pet named Bella. She loves

    to play. I hope you like my story!

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    For the Love of Peace ChildAlexandria Goslee

    Mykells mother said, Girl get in here. Stop talking to those

    boys. Jackson, her brother, said she nastyshe kissed LamourHamoltin.

    Liar, shut up, no, she said.

    Come here, her mom said, those boys aint nothing but trouble

    so listen, sit down. Tem boys aint going to be there when youdie or

    hold you when you cry. When you out on the street aint going topick

    you up and make you something to eat.

    But Jackson, he yelled, No, Im not one.Yes, you as man.

    No. But her mother went on, we love you and wish the best. I

    love you. Your mother said, go, and walked away.

    Alexandria is a unny child who

    loves to play and dance.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    The Great RaceSade Tenabe

    It was the day, the day Im gonna win. I heard the man withthe

    hat count down, three, two, one. He shot the gun. I ran like itwasno tomorrow. We were really close to the nish line when the guyon

    number seven through ching powder at me and my master. And welost.

    It wasnt air because Im undeeated. But my master didnt carebecause

    i that guy didnt win, he would cry.

    Anyway we went home and ate. My master ate a burrito, and

    I ate carrots and celery because Im a horse, and i I dont eathealthy, I

    cant win my races. Te day ater my practice it was the nal race othe

    season, and I was up and ready. Ten, the man with the hatcounted

    down, three, two, one. And shot the gun.

    I took o. No one was near me, and we were at the nish line,

    and the guy on number seven was right beside us, and mymaster

    looked at him crazy. Te guy got sidetracked, and we won. Tecrowd

    went wild, and we won the rst place trophy. Ten my master saidto

    the guy, Better luck next year.

    Im a good student and great at math.

    I love animals and especially puppies.

    About the Author

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

  • 7/31/2019 City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011


    December 15, 2011

    Taylor StoryTaylor Cooper

    Once upon a time there was a girl named Brittany Scott, and

    she was 5 years old. One day her mother and ather namedErricka

    and Eric Scott took her to the jewelry store. Her mother gottenher a

    necklace that she wears at all times. It says BS, which is herinitials.

    Mr. Erricka said what color would you like or your necklace tobe.

    Brittany said Blue, mother, that is my avorite color. Te nextday as

    she was walking to the store some lady in the car named PrincessLaret

    told Brittany to get in the car. Brittany asked Laret where arewe going?

    CityLit KidsCityLit Kids

City Lit - 5th Grade Broadside 2011 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.